

Whether you’re looking for a new PMS, moving to the cloudneed help with document management or just about any other business support services, find the contacts and content here that will help you on your search for legal practice excellence.   


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Why you should listen to your FD about time recording practices according to Advanced Legal

Accurate time recording is not just a mere administrative task that your finance director keeps emailing you about in an almost pleading tone; it’s a strategic imperative that can significantly impact a law firm’s efficiency, profitability, and client satisfaction.


Protect your clients and your firm with Confirmly – Webinar by InfoTrack, 26 October 11am

In this webinar we explore how Confirmly can help protect both your clients and your firm from ‘Friday afternoon fraud’.


You can have the same tech as a magic circle firm according to Ascertus

iManage Work has become the de facto choice for a DMS amongst the larger law firms. In fact, a couple of years ago, Linklaters became the final one of the Magic Circle law firms to have made the decision to go with the iManage solution.


Ridley and Hall elevates its technology with PracticeEvolve’s innovative case management software

Yorkshire-based law firm Ridley and Hall is embracing innovative technology to bolster its operations and has selected PracticeEvolve as its strategic partner to help support a transformative change to be technology driven.


Former DocsCorp vice president of global commercial operations, Ben Mitchell has joined as chief operating officer Novaplex

Novaplex was founded in 2008 by CEO Michelle Langton and the Company has been hugely successful in developing its portfolio of software and services. Specialising in template management, automation, document restyling and metadata cleaning.


Validating deeds and reducing requisitions – Webinar by InfoTrack, 25 October 11am

Requisitions – we all hate them, and we all know the impact they have on the speed at which transactions get completed. And yet, around 20% of all transactions are affected by missing or incorrect information.


Your law firm’s website checklist by Conscious Solutions

Having a professional website is no longer an option but a necessity. A well-designed law firm website showcases your expertise, builds trust with potential clients, and sets you apart from your competitors. It is often the first point of contact for prospective clients, and you want to be making a good first impression, don’t you?


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How a digital office can revolutionise client service according to Advanced Legal

Law firms are recognising the incredible advantages of integrating technology into their operations to elevate their client services. By harnessing the power of technology, firms can revolutionise their practices, enhance client interactions, and stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape.


Verification of funds – Webinar by InfoTrack, 23 October 11am

Join us as we showcase our newly enhanced Verification of Funds (VOF) solution. Learn how Enhanced VOF enables you to complete a full financial picture of your client’s source of funds and source of wealth quickly and easily.


How to train your team to respond in a crisis – Blog by Databarracks

It’s stressful, complex and sometimes even dangerous. There’s an image that exists in the popular consciousness. The calm and collected leader, who steps up and single-handedly saves the day. This is fine in Hollywood fiction, but in a real crisis, the reality is quite different.