How does metadata help in legal cases? Find out more with File Republic
File Republic | Resource | 23 October 2024
Metadata is data that provides information about other data. It’s like a summary or a description that makes finding and working with instances of data easier. For example, in the context of a document, metadata may include information such as the author, the date of creation, and keywords associated with the document’s content.
NetDocuments Introduces a New Era of Intelligent Document Management at Inspire
NetDocuments | Resource | 22 October 2024
NetDocuments sets the precedent for what intelligent document management looks like in the future of legal tech: a comprehensive platform powered by embedded AI assistance, legal-specific AI apps, automated workflows, and deep integrations with Microsoft 365 At its annual user conference, Inspire, NetDocuments unveiled its vision of “the intelligent document management system” (DMS) of the […]
Workflow automation’s pinkie promise – find out more with Autologyx
Autologyx | Resource | 20 October 2024
The word ‘automation’ in legal has been around for years — synonymous with productivity and efficiency gains. However, its use has been in the context of standalone document automation tools or solutions servicing the business of law. More commonly, automation has been applied to simple, linear processes and tasks within legal practice.