When is a good time to review your software stack? Find out more with SOS Legal

For years, businesses have grappled with the question of when is the best time to review their software. Is it when the software reaches its end-of-life? When better options become available in the market? Or perhaps when something goes wrong and the current system becomes inefficient?

In today’s challenging economic climate, with recent events impacting businesses worldwide, including a pandemic, geopolitical conflicts, and financial uncertainties, the need for efficient software solutions has become even more critical. Consumer confidence is at a historic low, affecting major purchases like houses and cars, which, in turn, has repercussions on the legal market. In this landscape, now is the time law firms should be strategically evaluating their resources and making smart choices for the future.


Our research, which surveyed over 161 leaders within law firms has pinpointed crucial areas that firms must consider to tackle their challenges effectively, as well as the challenges they face, including improving efficiencies, connecting software together to help drive a better client experience, and finally, to retain key talent. Our research was further analysed to delve into what the legal market must consider when addressing these challenges. This includes:

  1. Enhancing Connectivity: Seamless integration of software is vital for achieving better productivity and efficiency. Surprisingly, only 3% of respondents reported their integrations as seamless. To improve the client experience, law firms need software that can easily connect with each other, such as InfoTrack’s Electronic Client Onboarding Service. User-friendly software and easy-to-use interfaces will also enhance productivity and staff retention.
  2. Improving Digital Literacy: A staggering 78% of respondents highlighted the need for better digital literacy among users. 60% of respondents believe this will lead to more innovative ways of working and, ultimately, increased productivity. Fostering a tech-savvy workforce will be crucial for staying competitive and delivering top-notch service.

In conclusion, quality, adaptable technology is essential for success in the legal market. With the right legal solutions and seamless software integration, law firms can elevate the client experience and improve overall efficiency. At SOS, we are dedicated to partnering with firms and helping them overcome their challenges. Our recent launch of Community Learning, featuring online training videos, user guides, and much more, plus our dedication to creating a fully customisable solution is what we call Software With A Service.

Regardless of economic influences or market changes, the time to review your software stack is now, and this review should be conducted regularly. Remember, it’s time to manage your business, not just your software.

To get more from your software and experience our offerings first-hand, talk to one of our team members today, and we’ll be happy to arrange a free, no-obligation demo.

SOS Legal are leading providers of legal software solutions, remaining at the forefront of legal technology innovation for over 35 years.