Valentine’s day sustainability launch that sits at heart of Agilico’s mission

Agilico, a leader in the workplace technology space with 17 sites spread across the UK, is embarking on a bold initiative to align its operations with the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

This strategic move comes as part of the company’s broader commitment to becoming net zero by 2030, reflecting its dedication to sustainability and responsible business and community practices.

According to Sam Saunders, Agilico’s Head of Marketing, the decision to adopt the UN’s SDGs stems from a recognition of two clear advantages to this approach – a clear moral one inspiring changing behaviours, but also one with clear commercial benefits associated with waste and cost reductions.

He explains: “There are clear, undeniable commercial advantages for our customers to our approach, such as cost savings and mitigating supply chain risks, but the primary driver for us behind this UN SDG initiative is the inherent belief that it’s the right thing to do.

“It has advantages in terms of inspiring our customers and suppliers and setting standards. It also brings us together internally with a common goal to enhance a common culture across our UK sites.”

The company took the decision to launch this initiative this Valentine’s Day. Sam explains: “We are doing this on a day associated with love because we want to emphasise the simple message – by loving doing what we do in the right way, we are having a positive impact on prosperity, people and planet.”

Agilico understands that achieving sustainability goals requires collaboration and collective action across the entire value chain. To achieve this, the company has launched an internal SDG hub to educate and empower colleagues to contribute ideas and initiatives aligned with the 17 goals. This platform serves as a rallying point for employees to engage with sustainability efforts and drive positive change. Additionally, Agilico plans to extend this ethos to its external stakeholders by actively involving customers and suppliers in its sustainability journey.

Agilico’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond mere rhetoric; it is deeply ingrained in the fabric of the organisation. From reducing plastic usage to optimising supply chain logistics, the company is exploring a wide range of avenues to minimise its environmental footprint and promote social responsibility.

There are clear practical projects that the company is undertaking already to make this work. Changing its shrink wrap to a biodegradable product, for instance, while the company is also giving books away at schools that select a refurbished copier or multifunctional device. This latter project aligns with the UN SDG about promoting education, while in turn it rewards schools that support the circular economy.

Sam explains: “Not all the goals are environmental based, some are education for instance – others are around poverty and hunger.”

The company recognises that tackling all 17 SDGs is a challenging task. It aims to focus on continuously evolving and adapting its approach over time. Success is about actively contributing to the achievement of the goals through meaningful actions.

Sam adds: “In relation to the 17 sustainability principles, it’s a lot to attempt and some are going to be less exciting around legislation for instance. We looked at a myriad of options to align to, but with the UN’s goals we believe If it’s good enough for our country and our global neighbours, then why not set our sights to the same standards.”

As Agilico sets out on this journey, it acknowledges that achieving sustainability is an ongoing process that requires continuous innovation and collaboration. Sam adds: “There is no end date on this, it’s continual development over the coming years which we intend to become ingrained into who we are and what we believe.

“We’ll of course measure our positive impact through independent auditing, but also by the sentiment of our people – the influence of our collaborations. But it’s not a tick box exercise. This is a huge cultural undertaking. The initiatives will change and evolve. We want it to be something that sits at the very heart of our identity. Hence the Valentine’s Day launch.”

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