Three social media trends your law firm should utilise in 2023 says Conscious Solutions
New year: new social media strategy.
There’s something refreshing about the start of a brand-new year – a chance to kick start your digital marketing efforts and try out new things. If you haven’t been making the most of your law firm’s marketing up until now, there’s no better time to begin.
In this blog, we explore three predicted social media trends for 2023 and provide advice on how you might implement these as part of your broader social media strategy. Let’s get to it.
1. Create short-form video content for your law firm
Did you know, on average, adults in the UK watch 35 online videos per week (not including streaming services like Netflix) and most UK adults (68%) now watch videos online every single day?
If you’re active on social media, you’ll notice your feeds are brimming with video content. Despite short-form video having been a dominating trend in 2022, it’s safe to say video isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Of all the forms of web-based content, video is performing the best, with 33% of the people’s time spent on the internet is allocated to watching videos and 88% of marketers claiming that video has produced a good ROI.
Any marketer will tell you the power of a great video campaign. Video is arguably more engaging than articles, and more expressive than photos or infographics, but also informs and inspires viewers succinctly within a matter of minutes, sometimes even seconds.
According to a recent HubSpot survey, 54% of consumers say they prefer to see videos from businesses they use over other types of content, and law firms are no exception to this rule.
Why opt for video over photo content?
- Video improves SEO and search rankings
- Video improves engagement with your target audience
- In a short video, you can persuade potential clients that you’re the right law firm for the job.
What types of videos should your law firm create?
- Answer FAQs you’re often asked by clients
- Showcase your firm’s great culture by celebrating awards, accolades, and team achievements
- Create case study videos using reviews and client testimonials.
If you need support with bringing your videos to life, we can help your law firm on its way.
2. Be empowered to use LinkedIn for personal brand building and social selling
Social media is an effective way for your law firm to connect with clients. This isn’t new, but in 2023-2028 we’ll be seeing more users creating a profile on LinkedIn according to predictions by Statista, which means those who start building a presence now will have the upper hand. This includes you!
Data already shows many users enter their search queries into social media networks rather than Google. Because there are social media networks for every interest and purpose, doing a search within the social network itself may be quicker and easier.
Building your personal brand as a legal professional and sharing relevant information and expertise will ensure you are front of mind when users begin searching for legal services nearby.
Sprout Social’s definition of personal branding is ‘the process of defining and promoting what you stand for as an individual. Jeff Bezos of Amazon describes it as ‘what people say about you when you are not in the room’.
Your personal brand is a culmination of the experiences, skills and values that differentiate you.’
This will continue to impact the buyer journey as customers place more value in their own networks than they do with direct marketing. This makes sense, right? You’re going to go to someone you feel you already know, like and trust versus someone you’ve never heard of.
The Trust Equation by Charles Green suggests that trust in a person is down to their credibility, reliability and intimacy and that too much self-orientation reduces that trust. Therefore, it’s important that law firm employees exhibit these traits in their LinkedIn branding and don’t focus solely on selling.
Invest your time into developing a personal brand on LinkedIn by sharing your professional experiences to stand out in a sea of competition, build new connections, gain respect and increase earning potential.
If you’re looking for inspiration, we suggest checking out Geoff Silva and Alice Stephenson on LinkedIn.
3. Build an engaged online community
It’s reported that Google will be removing third-party cookies, which means businesses (including law firms) will have to work harder to build close relationships with clients and followers because it will be harder to track the web activity of potential clients. Historically, third-party cookies have helped to target adverts based on the data you have collected from users based on website data and a user’s search history, such as age and gender. Therefore, building an online community that is engaged and connected is key.
The value of building an online community in 2023 is to connect people mastering something interesting or important, together. For law firms, this could be teaming up with a network of legal professionals and joining ongoing conversations to establish your voice and position as an expert in your field on LinkedIn, for example.
This also, and arguably more importantly, applies to prospective clients. Join relevant LinkedIn and Facebook groups and be helpful in these groups. Ease client pain points by answering their questions with helpful and informative commentary and content. Establishing your voice within these communities will help you and your firm to build its own. Always link back to your firm’s website, or social media presence by tagging it wherever possible, so clients know exactly where to find you.
Can you create a presence whereby your law firm becomes the go-to place for legal tips and advice relating to your services in 2023? Let us know how you get on.
Are you ready to step up your law firm’s marketing in 2023?
This article should provide your law firm with some strategies it can implement in 2023 so you can start your marketing off on the right foot.
If you or your law firm requires any support with the above, get in touch by calling 0117 325 0200 or email
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