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The power of a full tech stack with Advanced

Law firms today are focused on maximising time and resources to drive forward efficiency, productivity and ultimately client satisfaction and business growth. Often what prevents them from being able to realise that are disparate processes and systems that causes miscommunications, blockers, and inefficiencies. In this blog, we’ll highlight a few ways in which a full tech stack can help firms hone their processes for streamlined casework.

A legal matter, and legal practice in general, is made up of many separate tasks and processes to come together harmoniously towards completion. This includes, but certainly not limited to document management, billing and accounting, form submissions, and client communications. If these areas are not streamlined and working well, it will cause for delays and dissatisfaction going forward.

The integration era

Gone are the days of standalone software solutions operating in silos. Modern law firms understand the value of integration – the synergy created when different software tools work together harmoniously.

At the heart of every law firm’s operation is a robust practice and case management system. A full tech stack brings together case management tools that encompass everything from intake forms to case analysis, document assembly, and deadline tracking. By centralising these functions, firms can ensure that every aspect of a case is seamlessly connected, allowing for better collaboration among team members and timely updates for clients.


Document management as part of that is critical to the success of firms. Storing documents within your practice and case management system, or through an integrated document management system – better yet, one that is legal-centric and can help categorise and automate document creation – is going to streamline operations, save time and improve accuracy. Not using document management tools could be costing you more than you know, with 22.7% of a fee earners time being taken up with poor document management practices.

Other document production and management tools are good to have within your case management system as part of a digital, paperless operation, including e-discovery platforms, and electronic signature software.

Streamlined billing and accounting

Billing and accounting are often cited as major pain points for law firms, with our Legal Sector Trends Report uncovering the three biggest forms of profit leak with missing or inaccurate time entries resulting in 60% of all profit leaks.

However, with integration, billing processes can be streamlined and automated, guaranteeing profit leaks get plugged. Having a full tech stack allows for seamless synchronisation between time tracking, invoicing, and accounting systems, eliminating manual data entry, and reducing the likelihood of billing errors.

This allows firms to also provide greater transparency to their clients on their invoices which means they are more likely to see these paid and less chance of complaints. Something that has been on the rise in the legal profession in recent years.

Clients expect real-time communication and updates on their cases. A complete tech stack enables law firms to meet these expectations by integrating client communication tools such as secure messaging platforms, client portals, and video conferencing software. By centralising communication channels, firms can provide a consistent and personalised experience to clients, fostering trust and loyalty.

Future-proofing your firm

The legal industry is constantly evolving, and law firms must adapt to stay ahead of the curve. Having a full tech stack not only addresses the current needs of a firm but also future proofs it against emerging challenges. By investing in a flexible and scalable software ecosystem, firms can easily integrate new tools and technologies as they become available, ensuring that they remain competitive in an ever-changing market.

The power of a complete tech stack cannot be overstated. By bringing together disparate tools and functions into a unified ecosystem, law firms can streamline their operations, enhance productivity, and deliver superior client service. Whether it’s case management, document management, billing, or communication, integration is the key to unlocking the full potential of a modern law firm.

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.