Six reasons DMS will transform your legal workflows according to Ascertus

For as long as there have been documents, legal professionals have wrestled with the complexities of filing, storing, and retrieving files efficiently. In a world where workforces are increasingly dispersed, and information sharing takes various forms, organisations have been quick to replace outdated systems with robust Document and Email Management Systems (DMS). Amidst the backdrop of mounting cybersecurity threats and the need to meet ever-evolving compliance and governance requirements, a DMS is today a crucial business necessity.

Here’s why:

  1. DMS offers a Centralised Document Repository
    A DMS provides a secure and organised digital vault where all documents, regardless of their format, can be stored. This ensures that your case-related documents are easily accessible and always at your fingertips. No more searching through countless folders or email threads; you and your colleagues have all your essential documents and communications in one place.
  1. Advanced Search and Retrieval with DMS
    With intelligent, personalised search capabilities, you can locate documents and information within seconds. Beyond simple keyword searches, advanced functionality in the DMS can analyse the context of your query, making it even easier to find exactly what you need. Say goodbye to the frustration of digging through stacks of paper or scrolling through endless email chains.
  1. Managing Document Version Control
    No more working on a document only to realise it was the wrong version! With version control, you can quickly review the evolution of a contract or any other document, ensuring that you’re always working with the most current information.
  1. DMS supports Document Collaboration
    A DMS that supports document collaboration can significantly improve your efficiency. It allows multiple team members to work on the same document simultaneously. You can easily track changes and maintain a history of edits, providing transparency and accountability.
  1. Security, Governance and Compliance in a DMS environment
    A high-quality DMS offers robust features, including access controls and encryption, to safeguard sensitive client information, alongside seamless alignment with privacy and confidentiality policies for governance and full auditability for regulatory compliance.
  1. Seamless DMS Integration and Mobility
    A top-tier DMS offers tight integration with Microsoft Office, enabling legal professionals to access and managing documents with ease. With robust mobility features users can work anywhere with instant access to vital documents.

There are several DMSs on the market, but for the professional services and corporate sectors there’s a trusted solution – iManage Work. It is highly secure, intuitive to use and offers a superior user experience – which is why the solution enjoys a high adoption rate at both the user and organisational levels.

Leading iManage partner & document lifecycle expert providing solutions, analysis, data migration, consultancy & training to law firms.