SeeUnity: Building a more agile organisation with an ecosystem integration strategy and process automation

It’s clear by now that organisations already ahead of the technology adoption curve, with their effective use of cloud-based applications and modern systems, are faring better than their slower-to-adopt counterparts during this COVID-19 crisis. According to the 2021 Wolters Kluwer Future Ready Lawyer report, 46% of these technology leaders were prepared to transition to supporting clients remotely when the pandemic hit, and in fact, 47% of those leaders saw increases in profitability during the past year.


In contrast, only 20% of organisations transitioning to leveraging innovative technologies, and only 8% of those trailing the adoption of newer technologies, stated preparedness to support clients remotely. Increases in profitability for the transitioning and trailing groups was significantly lower than the technology leaders.

ILTA’s 2021 Tech Survey Executive Summary highlights that the pandemic-driven work from home (WFH) trend has “accelerated digitisation, adoption, and changed how business itself has been done,” and that this new normal appears to be irreversible. Those change-resistant organisations are surely feeling the necessity of embracing cloud-based applications, integration technologies, and collaboration tools to keep remote workers, clients, and business partners connected.

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