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Reducing time-to-serve throughout a client matter with OneAdvanced

Managing client matters efficiently is key to firm reputation and loyal clients. Yet, client servicing often remains burdened with unnecessary delays. For law firms, reducing time-to-serve is not just about speeding up processes, but also about enhancing the client experience, minimising costs, and maintaining a competitive edge.

The dilemma of delay

Law firms operate within a delicate web of urgent deadlines, complex regulations, and client expectations, and it’s within this nexus that delays often arise. One primary cause is the collection of incomplete client documentation, leading to back-and-forth information requests that can extend the initiation of legal work. Another significant factor is the underlying procedural inefficiencies that, while often unnoticed, can snowball into substantial time losses.

Missing or incorrect documentation can derail even the most meticulously planned client matter. Firms may spend disproportionate amounts of time tracing down paperwork, clarifying details, and managing the repercussions of delayed actions. The absence of a streamlined data collection process is a recipe for time waste.

One of the pitfalls leading to missing or incorrect information is poor client communication, and 29% of legal professionals tell us they struggle with effective client communication. An ineffective back and forth between client and lawyer inevitably leads to delays.


Further complicating the time-to-serve equation are the inefficiencies that pervade the task execution. These include outdated software systems, redundant workflows, and a lack of standardised procedures, which often require multiple team members to familiarise themselves with a client matter, thereby compounding the time factor.

The untold costs

Long-standing matters not only eat into the allocated budget but can also lead to dissatisfaction among clients who seek prompt resolution. These extended timelines often result in increased costs, not only from an operational standpoint but due to the potential legal ramifications of delayed actions.

An extended time-to-serve inflates costs associated with personnel hours, administrative resources, and the overall management of client matters. What may have been a straightforward and cost-effective service can quickly spiral into an unpredictable expense.

Clients value efficiency as much as they do expertise. A prolonged engagement can diminish their trust and satisfaction, affecting the likelihood of them returning for future services and could even lead to complaints, discounts, and even reputational damage. Law firms tell us that complains are on the rise by 50%, so it is critical to recognise that for clients, time is often on equal footing with the legal outcomes.

Navigating the path to efficiency

Acknowledging these issues is just the first step. It’s essential that law firms translate this awareness into action by implementing strategies to reduce their time-to-serve metrics. Leveraging technological solutions is at the heart of the most successful approaches to these challenges, providing a coherent framework for expedited service.

New software solutions are transforming law firm operations, particularly when it comes to reducing delays. Integrated case management systems can store and retrieve client data with unprecedented ease, even more so when through cloud solutions, accessible securely from any location. Automation tools can speed up processes, like drafting documents, that previously bogged down the workload.

Effective communication within the law firm and between the client and firm is a linchpin in the time-to-serve initiative. Poor communication can lead to misunderstandings, which are one of the primary reasons for delays in client matters. Transformative collaborative platforms ensure that everyone involved is on the same page.

In the quest for efficiency, the human factor should not be overlooked. Training employees to optimise their time, incentivising timely service, and culturally embedding a ‘time is of the essence’ philosophy are potent allies in the battle against unnecessary delays. Improving the client experience is a top challenge for 26% of the law firms we spoke to and creating a culture of fast and effective service will ease this challenge.

Despite the complexities inherent to legal work, the need for expeditious service can never be overstated. By surveying the landscape of potential inefficiencies, adopting appropriate technological solutions, and fostering a culture that champions time efficiency, law firms can significantly enhance their client service – reducing time-to-serve and, in the process, realising more satisfied clients and healthier bottom lines.

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.