More change, familiar challenges – find out more with Fulcrum GT
Fulcrum GT was delighted to be involved in the 2024 Briefing Frontiers survey, as it stands as a valuable weathervane for the legal profession as a whole.
If we pick out the high (and low!) lights from this survey we see many of the same problems still to be addressed, but it’s fair to say there’s improved awareness of newer issues. It’s not that long ago the word ‘cloud’ mentioned inside a law firm’s offices would have resulted in expulsion! Now, everyone wants only cloud solutions, mainly because they are perceived as more secure. Similarly, the disadvantages of a ‘best of breed’ approach to applications is being seen — the cost of the ‘glue’ to allow systems to intercommunicate can be very high.
We can see the appetite for investment in innovation, with genAI clearly in the lead, but this is tempered by the old chestnuts of cost, stakeholder buy-in and change fatigue. This last is often ignored, but the legal industry has indeed undergone significant changes in its latest generation. Humans don’t like change — change management is not about making people happy; it’s about managing their anger.
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