Litera: What about the client? Leveraging legal tech to deliver concrete value

As our friends at Litera roll out this year’s edition of their Changing Lawyer report, its findings have never been more relevant.

The report comes amid a well-documented boom in the adoption of legal technology, and lawyers are now working more efficiently than ever before, while savvy firms are gaining a competitive edge.


But how does this improve legal services from the client’s perspective?

Please join us for a live webinar hosted by the legal tech expert and journalist Bob Ambrogi where we’ll explore opportunities for today’s lawyers to deliver new client value.

You’ll learn:

  • How law firms are applying data analytics to deliver tailored, relevant advice.
  • How technology enables client collaboration that improves revenue and results
  • How your firm can overcome cultural challenges to implementing new systems

Event details
Date: Thursday 21 October 2021
Time: 01:00pm ET / 10:00am PT
Click here to book your place

Litera is the leading provider of workflow, collaboration, and data management solutions for law firms and legal teams globally.