Litera: Let us guide you through iManage Core Legacy Solutions EOL with CAM

iManage recently announced that their support for the backend database will end. Is your organisation planning to stay on-prem or move to the cloud?

Either way we’ve got you covered!


Moving to the cloud? Cloud Migrator is here to carry you throughout the journey while handling all your data migration challenges.

And once you’re there? CAM will make sure your provisioning and governance strategy is top notch.

Read this White Paper to learn more about what to expect during this journey and how our solutions help.

What you’ll get:

  • Information on how the EOL announcement affects your organisation
  • The benefits and considerations of iManage Work 10 & iManage Cloud
  • How to prep your workspaces and data for the Cloud
  • Post-go live considerations, maintenance tools, and final steps

Click here to download the whitepaper

Litera is the leading provider of workflow, collaboration, and data management solutions for law firms and legal teams globally.