Legal Sector Advisers & Suppliers Conference (LSAS)
What is the LSAS Conference?
First run in 2017 LSAS was the brainchild of David Gilroy and Chris Bull. It’s a conference aimed at suppliers to the legal sector to get together and learn from each other and compare notes on the sector. Everyone pays their own way.
What’s the structure of the day?
This is up to you as the delegates provide all the content. Once you have booked a ticket, you can decide whether you would like to submit an idea for a talk. Once all talk ideas have been submitted, delegates will vote for which speakers they would like to hear from. There must be ‘NO selling from stage‘. If you do, WhatsApp will go mental with other delegates whingeing about you.
The conference starts at 09:30 with dinner the evening AFTER the day and then everyone gets up the next day and leaves.
Wednesday 27 April 2022 (Provisional)
Jurys Inn Hinckley Island Hotel.
The cost?
TBC but expected to be around £200 + VAT & Eventbrite booking fees which covers the whole conference including dinner, bed & breakfast.
When we open up bookings we will be limiting it to no more than two delegates per business and the event will have a natural cap on size of around 100 people (due to typical hotel bedroom capacity).
There will also be a one-day option with a price tag of c. £129+VAT.
Got more questions?
Email Maddie Platt and we’ll answer them as best we can.