Accesspoint Legal Technologies

Improving the back office to your website with Accesspoint Media Services

All too often law firms miss opportunities to supply their services to those who need it, simply because they’ve created a website that looks good on the outside, but their online presence is badly managed, under performing and not always readily visible to prospects.

Our knowledge for what law firms need to become more visible online combined with our expertise in website design creates the perfect synergy to guarantee your firms ‘shop window’ (website) success.


SEO is an integral part of any business’ online presence and a vital component towards its ongoing high ranking. At Accesspoint we focus on creating detailed SEO strategies that suit your firm’s requirements, constantly working to boost your ranking on popular search engines and stand out from the competition.  Over a short time, you will begin to see the improvements – being able to connect with visitors who are looking for your services and eventually seeing an increase in the number of enquiries made, plus more knowledgeable insights to your target audience.

Accesspoint can assist you with enquiries made by prospects. Web forms are an important and particularly data rich environment as we know, and could remove many hours if not days of admin resource. Our new gateway software ‘Flashpoint’ allows your firm to seamlessly join your website to your PMS by injecting data from enquiry forms to create a prospective client plus produce reports that can track conversion rates from prospect to live client, showing how much revenue has been generated from your web forms.

In summary, your website can now have the capability to ‘pull’ a more intelligent and efficient way of working. By improving the back office to your website, you are unlocking its full potential and improving the workflow of the firm providing a more efficient way of handling client on-boarding and additional CRM activities.

For more information on SEO and Web forms please contact

Hong Tran:

Accesspoint Legal Technologies
Our legal IT specialists provide firms with managed IT services, including Cloud and Utility/Hosted Computing solutions.