iManage search can save you 240 hours annually – find out more with Ascertus

Find your matters, business content, documents and emails with iManage search

In the cloud or on-premises, iManage Work 10 offers exceptional search capabilities that help to streamline your day-to-day activities. In fact, the recent Forrester report found that searching for content in iManage saves, on average, 7 minutes per search. Annually, that’s 240 hours or 30x 8-hour business days – an entire month!

In this short 2 minute video we show you how easy it is to find your documents and emails in iManage.

Don’t have iManage DMS yet? Visit our iManage DMS page for a full list of features and benefits.

iManage platform helps organisations work more productively, collaboratively, and securely, leveraging knowledge to drive better [...]