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How to plug profit leaks within your firm according to One Advanced

For law firms, the billable hour stands as both a bedrock of their revenue model and, paradoxically, a source of potential loss. Despite being the most common and preferred pricing method among legal professionals, the billable hour opens the way for the biggest form of profit leak, sub optimal time capture. Without diligent tracking, billable time can escape like grains of sand through the fingers of even the most diligent legal professional. These inefficiencies directly impact your bottom line and, even worse, might not always register on your radar.

The biggest forms of profit leaks

Missing and incorrect time entries represent the major culprits, with 37% of legal professionals attributing their main form of profit leakage to the former. These entry omissions are often due to the chaotic, fast-paced nature of legal work, where the next case always seems more pressing than the documentation of the last. Making up a further 23% of the profit leak problem, incorrect entries, on the other hand, are a mixture of errors and incomplete context that speaks of a lack of robust processes.

Capturing every billable minute is a challenge for law firms. Lawyers may spend hours on a case without clocking one billable moment. This ‘work without reward’ accumulates into a sizeable sum over time, one that can inflate overheads and deflate the revenue that should rightfully find its way to your law firm’s coffers.

Much like sand slipping through the infinity of an hourglass, billable hours lost to missing or incorrect entries amount to a war of attrition on your profitability. The majority of law firms at 61% struggle with the precision of billable time capture, and only one quarter manage to achieve 70% of their targets or more. It’s not just an issue of meticulous tracking, it’s of ensuring that each billable second is brought into the revenue it merits.

Plugging the leaks before they drain you dry

For many law firms, the solution begins with instilling a culture of consciousness around time and time recording. Fee earners and support staff must see billable hours not as abstract data points but as tangible financial assets. Regular training, time-compliance incentives, and seamless time-entry interfaces can transform habitual oversights into meticulous chronicles of value-added activities.

Time capture software is the sentry in the watchtower, spotting and recording the hours that would otherwise slip past unnoticed. Automated trackers remove human error and apathy from the equation, ensuring that no billable time escapes unchecked. With systems that integrate with daily workflow routines and case management software these tools are not just about clocking the day, they serve to bolster law firms’ operational efficiency and, as a result, their financial performance.

By enabling users to record time accurately and immediately across various devices, time capture ensures that every minute worked is accounted for, thereby reducing the time and frustration involved in tracking down unrecorded hours. This capability is particularly beneficial for busy professionals who juggle multiple tasks and matters, making it easy to overlook or neglect time capture. Quick and accurate time entry submission not only streamlines the billing process but also enhances client satisfaction through transparent and fair invoicing. As a result, law firms experience increased utilisation, realisation, and collection rates.

To ignore or underestimate the significance of time capture in the legal industry is akin to leaving a case’s pivotal document unread, it’s negligence that comes at a cost. By acknowledging these challenges and proactively integrating robust time capture practices and technologies, law firms can ensure they’re capturing and billing for every moment of true billable work. This strategic approach not only secures the integrity of your revenue stream but also elevates your service to clients, providing greater transparency and value.

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.