Helm360 launches digital eye data discovery tool

Helm360, a leading provider of enterprise-level technology solutions and support for law firms, has launched a new automated digital discovery tool called Digital Eye that will integrate into its flagship product, Termi chatbot. The addition will improve Termi’s ability to answer questions based on unstructured content such as PDF’s, documents, images etc.

Digital Eye, paired with Termi, provides the ability to scan large amounts of data quickly and generate accurate, reliable results in seconds. Digital Eye mitigates the risk of AI “hallucinating” or coming up with a false answer by connecting a firm’s existing knowledge repository as a source of truth which, when combined with Termi’s generative AI capability, can turn vast amounts of data into meaningful answers to questions in a matter of seconds.


Termi is a revolutionary chatbot that provides a single, user-friendly launching pad allowing attorneys and staff to interface with the software tools they use every day – all from a familiar instant messaging-like platform and using plain language. Termi also integrates OpenAI’s LLM so it can understand and respond to even the most complex questions with accuracy and speed.

“The integration of Digital Eye into Termi now provides law firms with a worry-free experience regarding the validity of the data they are accessing,” said Bim Dave, Executive Vice President of Helm360. “Users will be able to import large amounts of firm data, review it and provide access in seconds, all with enhanced visibility into the source of the data.”

The Termi powered by Digital Eye system is a powerful generative AI-based tool with a foundational source of truth that lays the groundwork for various real-world scenarios. If an attorney asks Termi: Who was at the deposition of < name > or summarize the contract between < party a > and party < b >? Digital Eye will scan the firm’s proprietary large language model for specific information, then return an accurate result in Termi’s chatbot interface.

“This integration of Digital Eye will enable lawyers to secure faster and more comprehensive answers as they do their work, resulting in improved client satisfaction,” said Dave. “Lawyers will find their firm’s data is now streamlined, allowing them to stay on track and be productive without having to spend time digging through reams of disconnected information stored on disparate systems.”

Dave is available for interviews and to provide a demo of Termi and Digital Eye.

Our focus is on supporting the implementation of best-of-breed legal products such as Elite 3E, ProLaw and IntApp.