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Five dashboards directors shouldn’t work without according to Advanced

Digital dashboards are essential to streamline workflows, enhance productivity, and improve communication between teams, and firms need to adopt digital dashboards to streamline their operations and stay ahead of the competition. This article will cover digital dashboards every law firm should have and why firms should look to build dashboards across the different areas of the office.

Practice and case management

One of the most significant challenges for law firms is tracking cases, keeping tabs on deadlines, and staying organised. A dashboard that provides visibility of cases, billing status, and other relevant data can make a big difference. Digital dashboards for case management offer a centralised hub for all case-related information, providing detailed tracking of deadlines, client details, and more. It streamlines communication between lawyers, assistants, paralegals, and other stakeholders, enabling everyone to stay up-to-date on the progress of each case. Additionally, with a digital practice management dashboard, law firms can combine financial data, performance metrics, and case information to create a comprehensive overview of the firm’s overall performance.

Time recording

In the legal sector, time is money, and billing by the hour is the norm. It is vital to ensure that every billable hour is accounted for, and digital dashboards make time recording substantially more straightforward. Time recording dashboards allow lawyers to track their hours and let law firms visualise data with ease. This feature helps law firms identify trends, increase efficiency, and maximise revenue. Since time recording dashboards integrate with other systems, the data is readily available when creating invoices, reducing errors, and making the billing process more efficient.


Financial management is critical in any organisation. Law firms must manage their finances effectively to stay profitable and win new business. As with other industries, digital finance dashboards enable law firms to track KPIs and metrics. By providing an interactive overview of the financial situation, it is possible to make informed decisions, forecast cash flow, and stay on track with budgets. Custom dashboards for financial reporting allow firms to optimise financial management, increase performance, and make strategic decisions based on the data.

People management

People management is a complex area with many branches to consider, such as recruitment, employee engagement, and training. Human resources dashboards provide a comprehensive view of the workforce, from tracking employee performance metrics to identifying training needs. Firms can access data on engagement, attendance, retention, and other essential metrics. This provides real-time insights that enable firms to take action promptly and ensure employee satisfaction and retention.


Building cross-functional dashboards offers better insight into how these systems interact. By building custom dashboards across all aspects of the law firm’s operations, it is possible to see how data from different areas intersects and impacts performance. Additionally, using dashboards across areas of work ensures that everyone has access to the data they need to work efficiently and improve the overall operation’s performance.

Digital dashboards are a must-have for law firms looking to stay competitive and grow. Dashboards that provide insights into practice and case management, time recording, finance, and HR enable law firms to manage their operations effectively, make strategic decisions, and enhance performance. However, it is essential to remember that cross-functionality is the key to unlocking the full potential of data-driven decision-making in law firms. With digital dashboards, law firms can streamline their operations, improve client service, and build a more profitable business.

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.