Find out three ways to reverse your law firm’s CRM low adoption with Promptr CRM
If you are about to sign on the dotted line for a big new CRM database (or renew the yearly subs), be aware of a massive failing…
After a while, your lawyers stop using them.
After over 25 years in legal CRM, I’ve found three areas that help reverse the downward adoption trend.
Make your CRM easier to use
Nobody gets up in the morning and says to themselves “I want to use a big complex database today”. Do you need to make your lawyers log into the database?
If you have to make your lawyers use your database, remove as many features as you can so it isn’t too overwhelming for 95% of your firm
Improve your CRM data
Run checks for duplicates and typos on a weekly basis. Most user complaints come from rubbish data / duplicates
Remove companies, contacts, fields, and the data in them. It’s a fair bet nobody will notice it’s gone. Databases go quicker with less data to process. Bear that in mind if you have 100,000 contacts ‘hidden from view’. Your database is still looking at them, even if your users are not
Chivvy up usage
Track and reward usage. Leaderboards are always fun, you can use the notes and activity in your CRM in each lawyer’s appraisals
Remove the excuse of “I don’t know how to use it or what it can do for me”. Offer brief and regular tip and training sessions for different types of users
Promptr is a fully managed CRM service (with software) for Law firms. Find out more here: