
Find out the ten ways to boost adoption of your law firm CRM system with Promptr CRM

Boosting the adoption of CRM (Client Relationship Management) systems in your firm is crucial for deriving the maximum value from your firm’s investment. 

With that in mind, here are the ten great ways to increase your firm’s CRM adoption:

1. Training and Onboarding: Provide training sessions tailored to different user levels (e.g. new joiners / Advanced users / senior lawyers / PAs and Secretaries). For instance, your senior lawyers only need to be shown one thing – how to log and benefit from recorded BD in the system, whereas Secretaries need to be shown how to update and add details for their lawyers. Repeat refresher sessions every month so you catch everyone.

2. Management Buy-in: Ensure top management not only supports but actively uses your CRM. When your leadership team value and uses the system, it sets a positive precedent for the rest of your firm.

3. User-friendly Interface: Your CRM should be as simple as possible, with an intuitive interface. If possible, remove anything not core to the functioning of your ONE key objective. If your CRM has 100 buttons, that probably 100 too may for 95% of your users. If it has five buttons, 95% of your firm will be able to use it. Only 5% will want more. An ideal situation for you.

4. Integration with Other Tools: Integrate your CRM Outlook and email tool. That way, all correspondence and meetings can feed the ‘who knows who’ aspect of the system, as can ‘who clicked on what’ or ‘who booked onto what event’. When you are old to integrate with your PMS system, so you can seamlessly bring through clients. The only failure of this is the data quality in your PMS. In our exeperience it can be done, but not fully automatically. It just causes more headaches than it solves.

5. Regular user surveys and feedback: Establish a feedback loop with users to understand their challenges, suggestions, and requirements. Addressing their concerns promptly can increase their confidence in and usage of the system.

6. Rewards and Incentives: Implement a rewards system for active CRM users. We’re big fans of a BD Leaderboard – a simple tool that tracks who is logging their BD in a 6 month rolling period. Gamify. Recognise usage. Motivate teams to use and utilise your CRM.

7. Ongoing Support: Set up a dedicated support team or helpdesk to assist users with any technical issues, queries, or training needs. Quick resolutions can prevent users from becoming frustrated and abandoning the system.

8. Showcase Success Stories: Highlight successful case studies or examples where your CRM system made a significant difference to Partners. Demonstrating tangible benefits can motivate users.

9. Data Hygiene: Maintain the integrity and quality of data in your CRM. Regularly clean up duplicate, outdated, or irrelevant data. When your firm’s users trust the data quality, they are more likely to use the system.

10. Regular Updates and Reviews: Conduct periodic reviews to assess CRM adoption rates and address areas of concern. Keep the system updated to ensure it remains compatible with the evolving needs of the business and its users.

Remember, while the technical aspects of CRMs are important, the human factor is far more key to obtaining adoption.

An all-in-one package of: Outlook CRM software + alerts + support + processes + data updating