
DPS Software survey: How has Covid-19 affected the Legal Business?

Complete our 5-minute survey and you could win a £50 Amazon voucher.

The survey aims to map how COVID-19 has affected & is affecting the legal business. We want to find out how COVID-19 and being on lockdown has affected you and your work; how have business levels have changed, what impact there has been on staff levels and your thoughts on how things will progress.

It’s all anonymous so click here to take the survey [] that will only take 5 minutes to complete and we’ll share the results with you and enter you into a draw to win a £50 Amazon voucher.

So, for less than 5 minutes of your time, you could buy:

A shiatsu neck and back massager to deal with that back pain from sitting in a chair not suited to working all day

A coffee mug warmer to stop your coffee or hot drink of choice going cold while you’re busy working

A pair of noise cancelling headphones to block out the noise of the kids

Whatever you decide to spend your winnings on, we hope everything is going well for you working from home. We’ve put together some resources to help make things a little easier. We’ve got some informative articles, training videos and useful links so you can manage your work while dealing with the pressures of home life more effectively.

Access Legal provides an unrivalled suite of software solutions that scale to your practice - freeing you up to focus on what you do best