Accesspoint talk about the future of digital client onboarding and how it can help your firm

The concept of remote working was explored earlier this year as SME law firms were asked in a study ‘what percentage of the workforce would you like to enable to regularly work from home’ an average response of 32% was given. Now, the idea of introducing a sustainable and agile working environment for your firm should urgently be considered by most, as the reality of ‘forced’ working from home is once again looming on the horizon. Your firm should think about implementing longer term solutions to ensure that business can continue as normal and obstacles like new client onboarding can be addressed and met with a smooth transition not only for your firm but also for your clients.

At Accesspoint, we have a solution to this problem – ‘introducing’ a new and highly effective toolkit!

Our Digital Client Onboarding Package provides your firm with a number of choices to take on new clients remotely and with ease.

What are the benefits?

Flexible workflows – Our package is completely flexible and can be adapted to your firm’s requirements and fields housed within your P4W case management system. This can open doors for your firm as areas such as family law, commercial law, litigation, wills & probate and more can easily be accessed via the firm’s own website by clients. Web forms with customised data screens are submitted by the client and injected directly into the firm’s P4W Practice Management System, auto creating clients and matters and importing the valuable information completed by the client into the case management data fields ready for processing.

Remote Meetings – Provide the perfect alternative to face to face meetings and consultations. Features such as the web integration toolkit or Tikit FormShare allow your firm to integrate its website with online forms and Formshare to collect core information provided by the clients. This information can be sent directly to the PMS, reducing the need to manually input data, thus dramatically saving time and money for your firm.

Competitive Edge – Digital client onboarding provides all the facilities that many modern clients will be looking for. Integrating the package to your firm will make the process as easy as possible for new clients as they can access the forms through any device as well as complete the form at their own convenience, as links are sent directly to the client showing where they left off. This will demonstrate that your firm is forward thinking and committed to providing the very best start for your clients and prospects to begin their legal journey.

Financial Benefits and Easy Planning – This package integrates a handy Payment Portal, this customisable feature is the perfect way to complete your digital client onboarding process, as it facilitates useful monthly/annual reporting and easy editing to ensure reliable cash flow for your firm.

High security – The digital client onboarding package is equipped with the latest security features. This includes a two-factor authentication system within Microsoft Teams preventing unauthorised access to confidential data whilst providing your firm and clients a greater sense of security.



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