Accesspoint: P4W Prospect Time Manager – Your time matters… Make every second count

As we all know, within the legal world every second counts, not only for your clients but also for your firm.

Securing a client does not stop with a simple enquiry and a reply, instead there are hours of prep work such as researching, manual data entry and more that happens before a prospect is truly a client, and that is assuming the prospect is successfully made into a client.

With many case management systems unable to record the time spent when dealing with new prospects just imagine the countless hours that have gone unaccounted for and the amount of money your firm has potentially lost.

At Accesspoint, we have designed an effective method to calculate and record time spent on all prep work, allowing you to truly optimise your time and record it straight into your case management system seamlessly. The P4W Prospect Time Manager instantly allows your firm to record time prior to the creation of a matter. This time could be for matter research purposes or simply to keep a record of time spent on early meetings or telephone calls. Never waste a moment again and explore the P4W Prospect Time Manager.

What are the benefits?


P4W Integration

There is currently no easy way of keeping a record within Partner for Windows of time spent on work before the matter is created. The Prospect Time Manager has been designed around P4W, to fully utilise the P4W format and ensure your employees are able to benefit from easy and fast recordings as well as security.

Easy to Use Format

The Prospect Time Manager has been designed to be used by internal employees, so the navigation and functionality has been thoroughly mapped out by our IT specialists, to ensure the most efficient time recording process. Your firm can benefit from the already known P4W layout and simple steps taken to start the process and completing it all in one screen.

Clear Reports

The Prospect time manager provides efficiency and clear reporting to all users by having useful applications integrated into the process. A Crystal report is included so that you can report on all time posted against a prospect that has not been posted, so your readings can become much more accurate and ensure nothing is missed out.

Part of the Mozaique offering

Mozaique is a cloud based legal platform that is made up of a large collection of bespoke and third party products and apps. The P4W Prospect Time Manager is one of many innovative products you can get integrated straight into your legal platform to take your firm to the next level.


For more information on the Prospect Time Manager, please visit

For more information on Mozaique, please visit

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