A comprehensive guide to CRM success by HSO

Effectively managing relationships is critical to the success of any law firm. Knowing who your clients and prospects are, what they need, and the overall status of the firm’s relationship with them is foundational to delivering quality representation and support.

To manage the many complex details associated with law firm and client relationships, many firms implement a Client Relationship Management system. CRM technology enables the capture and management of data, making it possible to gain insight into a relationship quickly and easily.

Unfortunately, not all CRM systems or implementations are created equal. This is a lesson far too many law firms have learned the hard way. After investing countless dollars and hours into implementing a new CRM system, many law firms quickly learn the technology or deployment are unable to meet their expectations and requirements.

Read this eBook for the 4 factors to consider when evaluating your CRM or planning for a new platform, plus tips to ensure its success.


  1. Introduction
  2. Success Factor 1: Ease of Use
  3. Success Factor 2: Value
  4. Success Factor 3: Data Accessibility and Security
  5. Success Factor 4: Processes and Procedures
  6. How to Ensure CRM Success

HSO has over 25 years legal industry experience working with law firms globally to develop Legal360, a fully integrated legal CRM [...]