Simon Levine, global co-CEO and international managing partner at DLAPiper, discusses how the firm partnered with Fulcrum GT and SAP to deliver its ambitious finance transformation project — driving operational efficiencies, improving client experience, and unleashing plenty of potential for the future.
Autologyx delivers productivity & efficiency improvements through a powerful combination of data driven workflow and process automation.
Unlocking the power of firm data to drive client retention and business growth with help from Litera
data and knowledge at the core of their growth strategy
Unlocking the key benefits of e-bundling for the financial services sector with Bundledocs
How e-bundling technology is transforming the financial services sector
Webinar: Leap identify the 5 biggest drawbacks of not using legal AI in your law firm | Tuesday 2 April – 12pm
law firms that resist AI face growing inefficiencies
ILTA Announces Launch of the 2025 ILTACON Startup Hub
The Startup Hub will offer more than 25 opportunities for new startups
Doyle Clayton and Milner Elledge examine their flexible working future with Osprey
Embracing flexibility for long-term success