Xperate forge new partnership with sales specialists headed up by legal veteran, Martin Siddle

Xperate are delighted to announce our partnership with SN25 Sales Agency, specialists in aiding Legal software and service providers sell their products into the UK Legal and Professional Services market.


With over 35 years’ experience of working with Law firms and legal teams, SN25 Sales Agency have an in-depth understanding of how technology can be used to make lawyers more productive, more profitable and more successful.

Xperate’s founders, Simon Hill and Mark Garnish, have enjoyed a long association with SN25’s founder, Martin Siddle, dating back over 20 years.  This exciting partnership means that Xperate can work alongside SN25 Sales Agency to continue delivering bespoke development services; whether you are considering customised software design or you’re seeking out the edge on an existing area of technology, our teams will ensure a successful outcome, delivered on time and on budget.

If you would like to know more about SN25 Sales Agency please click here.

Specialists in bespoke development projects and software integrations to the legal profession and legal technology companies.