The Partnership become first firm to submit electronically signed Deeds, through InfoTrack

The first electronically signed deeds have been submitted to HM Land Registry by The Partnership, using SignIT from InfoTrack. 

In July, HM Land Registry announced the intention to accept electronic signatures on deeds provided they follow certain rules. Further to the announcement, The Partnership used InfoTrack’s SignIT, electronic signature software, to have the vendor sign deeds alongside a witness. 

Peter Ambrose, CEO at The Partnership commented, ““We’re delighted to be the first business in England and Wales to submit deeds using electronic signatures. It has been a long time coming but recent events make this a must for law firms. I am very confident in the security levels provided. The technology acts as a witness and the certificates issued upon signing demonstrate a security you just don’t get with wet signatures.   

Peter sums up the significance of deeds being electronically signed, “For us at The Partnership, who for years have offered a truly online approach with our client portal, this isn’t just a historic moment for the conveyancing profession, it also allows us to streamline the process and offer a truly digital experience from start to finish.”  

Scott Bozinis, CEO at InfoTrack says, “We have offered SignIT for a number of years and during lockdown it became essential for law firms across the UK and we invested in making a number of enhancements. In fact, we saw a 400% increase in usage in May alone. Further to HMLR announcement, we moved quickly to build a solution with The Partnership being the first firm to use. Both law firms and their clients will experience a convenient, time-saving solution that is robust and adheres to the rules published by HM Land Registry.  

Scott Continues, “There has been a marked shift in the market where firms are now looking at smarter cost savings. SignIT, and our new Client Onboarding Solution, is growing rapidly as clients look to improve their bottom line with less paper, printing and postage while, at the same time, avoid delays in sending and receiving documents without the need to see the client in person.” 

Mr Jeremy Elkes, the Partnership’s client comments, “Electronically signing the documentation was really quick and easy. I did everything on my phone and it only took a few minutes – it was so much easier and quicker than having to print out the form, sign it and post it to my lawyer.  I also like the fact that I had both a text message and an email because that made it feel secure.”

SignIT from InfoTrack has been built using DocuSign e-signatures. Two factor authentication is now standard and the ability to include witnesses and a signing order is neatly integrated within the software. In August, InfoTrack are donating all profits from SignIT to Mind, the mental health charity. To find out more, visit

InfoTrack is a powerful digital conveyancing solution offering client onboarding, searches, post-completion, report on title and more.