
Popularity of DPS academy continues to rise

Launched in 2018 the DPS Academy has proven very popular with users of our software.

If you don’t know already the DPS Academy is an online training hub where users can view short video clips showing how to use the different elements of our software. The videos are sorted into modules which end with a quiz that the user needs to pass before being awarded a certificate.

Modules include ‘Land Registry Portal’ ‘Learning to use the DPS Config’ and ‘Crime Billing’. One firm who are particularly pleased with the DPS Academy are Gardner Iliff & Dowding in the Midlands. Practice Manager Jenny Emery said:

“We have had the DPS system for four years, and though I am a reasonably competent user, I find the Academy very useful – there is a search facility so for things to do with accounts that I don’t use very often, watching a quick demo saves me a lot of time.

You can work through modules which interest you, this gives you the chance to look at options which you may not have yet, to see how they would benefit your firm. New staff can be directed towards the Academy, where they can pick out relevant items, or even earn certificates for training purposes.”

We are adding content to the academy all the time so make sure you login regularly.

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