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Phi Finney McDonald solves unique time and billing challenges with Expert Sierra by Aderant

Growing client demands and international expansion drove Phi Finney McDonald, one of Australia’s most successful class action law firms, to find a practice management solution that offered multi-currency options and anywhere, anytime access to critical systems, all in a secure cloud environment. They selected Expert Sierra for its performance capabilities, cloud-based agility, and robust security.

“As a boutique litigation law firm, we have quite unique challenges in billing and time management,” said Ben Phi, Managing Director at Phi Finney McDonald. “Expert Sierra gives us the platform able to meet these challenges. With our growth in Australia and our expansion into the U.K. market, we needed a secure but cloud-based system that could grow with us. Aderant has a proven track record internationally to be able to deliver this, and their service has been impeccable.”

Phi Finney McDonald had outgrown their existing practice management system and were looking for a solution that could deal with complex time recoding and billing requirements of their clients. Expert Sierra delivers in the specific areas the firm required, including:

Capture time and billing against different stages of a matter to meet budgeting requirements

Handle multi-currency transactions for their offices in Australia and the United Kingdom

Eliminate the need for physical infrastructure setup in both countries

Additionally, Expert Sierra has alleviated Phi Finney McDonald’s burden of managing on-premise hardware, server rooms and the associated utility costs, software updates, and secure access challenges.

For their two Australian offices, and their recent expansion into the United Kingdom, all three locations are fully implemented and live on Expert Sierra. “We were able to implement Sierra on time and on budget during the pandemic, which added another level of complexity, and shows just how impressive and dedicated the Aderant implementation team are,” said Danielle Dale, Business Analyst at Phi Finney

McDonald. “The training and ease of use of the platform allowed our employees to hit the ground running with zero productivity drop off.”

“We couldn’t be more pleased to get Phi Finney McDonald live on Expert Sierra,” said Monica Le-Nguyen, Aderant’s Director of Sales and Solution Consulting for the Asia-Pacific region. “Sierra will allow the firm to deliver high quality service to their clients, have full access and visibility into their database, and build their own custom reporting environment for internal improvements, all in an agile, secure cloud environment.”

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Aderant is a global industry leader in providing comprehensive business management software for law firms.