
New resources for lawyers in local government from DPS Software

Legal technology experts DPS Software recently re-launched their website with a big focus on adding value for lawyers in the public sector.

There is a new video outlining the way in which DPS can help you achieve a paper-lite office, true hot-desking by accessing your cases from anywhere and how easy court and core bundling is within the system.

You can read case studies on how other public sector legal departments are getting the most out of the software, register for educational webinars and download white papers detailing information about the benefits of technology for legal teams.


Head of Public Sector Business Development at DPS, Gavin Wilson, said “We have been active in the local government legal sector for 3 years now and I’m delighted that we now have a bank of online resources for legal professionals in this space. Our client base is growing all the time and we’re already in discussions with several central and local government authorities about how we can help them achieve greater efficiency using legal case management software”

DPS’s Local Authority clients include LGSS Law, who provide legal services to more than 100 client organisations from the public and non-profit sectors. It was set up in March 2015 in a merger between Cambridgeshire and Northamptonshire County Councils and was one of the first companies to be granted an ABS licence.

Their Practice Manager commented at the time “The brief was to select a modern, flexible and integrated practice management system with a simple user interface.

That would enable improvements to case management, financial control, regulatory compliance, bundling, the quality of services offered and the profitability of the firm.

We identified DPS’s practice management software as the best provider of systems to enhance the quality of our legal services.”

Bi Borough, the combined Local Authorities of Westminster, and Kensington & Chelsea, another of DPS Software’s clients, went live with DPS in 2018.

Lynette Young, Transformation Manager for Bi Borough, said: “Our partnership with DPS is helping us to create the tools we need to deliver our digital agenda and support our agile working staff”

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