Jayva Xero integration announcement

Following on from our recent announcement that Jayva Global has joined the Katchr Partner Network, we are now also delighted announce our integration with Xero. This completes the complimentary offerings with Jayva for both their LEAP & Xero clients. Jayva works with around 1,500 UK law firms and over 900 in the US.

Our data warehouse enables the Xero data to be pulled into the Katchr Dashboarding tool seamlessly alongside the LEAP data, so that senior decision makers and accounts managers can easily see their firm’s performance as a whole without moving between two applications.

From a compliance perspective, bookkeepers, cashiers and accountants can sometimes struggle with cross-reconciliation of dual systems.  One of the main web-parts will be a feature which takes the pain out of that process and alerts those in charge of the accounts if there are any data integrity concerns. Not only does this aid with financial and regulatory compliance, but it takes away hours of checking which would be done manually at the end of every month.

Jayva says that one of the main reasons they partnered with Katchr, is that “they are effectively the go to MI provider to the UK legal sector, trusted by many well established and successful law firms to provide excellent value for money management information and KPI’s for many years.  Those years of experience, of collaborating with highly successful firms mean that Katchr have fine-tuned all their dashboard components, to be ‘spot-on’ in terms of their things which really make a difference to performance.  Jayva are now able to deliver that in a packaged way, so everyone can benefit from the years of experience, but adding to that the Jayva knowledge on using the LEAP/Xero integration, we have further enhanced the offering to provide a tailored solution.” Nicola Moore-Miller, Global Chief Executive Officer, Jayva.

MD and Founder of Katchr, Graham Moore states, “The integration with Xero represents the combining of PMS data with financial data, effectively producing one single source of KPI information for a law firm. This will ensure they are fully aligned across their teams on the primary goals of the organisation… always using the same language and information for both day to day operations plus empowering the senior management team to concentrate on future decisions.”

Law firm dashboards and analytics transforming your data into an invaluable decision-making tool.