iManage: Reducing data loss for your firm

The currency of a legal enterprise is dealing in sensitive client matters. The information and data associated with those matters must be protected.

Firms must deliver a security strategy that will:

Automatically prevent people acting outside policy

Prevent mis-directed emails

Monitor the enterprise for internal and external threats

Protect the organization and its clients’ data

iManage and Workshare are coming together to provide the legal enterprise with a new approach to protecting client data.

Hosts Ian Raine, iManage VP of product management, and Vijay Thampy, Workshare senior product manager, will discuss:

Applying policy-driven security and data protection

Preventing mis-directed emails

Implementing proactive data loss prevention

Simplifying administration of security changes

Effective risk detection and threat management

Accurate identification and investigation of threats

On demand links will be sent out to all registrants a few days after the initial webinar.

Replay the webinar here.

iManage platform helps organisations work more productively, collaboratively, and securely, leveraging knowledge to drive better [...]