
How effective case management can aid your transition to paper-lite

For the best part of a decade now you’ve been bombarded with information about how you need to go paperless. The reality though is that no office, particularly a law firm can operate completely without paper. That’s why an effective case management system can help you achieve the much more realistic ‘Paper-Lite’.

Any case management system will let you create client care letters, fill out forms, create bills etc and all of it will be stored electronically, however what about sending documents out? Are you still printing and posting? Why not look at a case management system that includes a client portal where you can upload documents for clients to review and sign online? This alone saves time and costs.

What about internal processes? Can your case management system raise an eChit? What do you do when creating a court bundle? Can it be done electronically in a matter of seconds, with a cover, indexed and paginated?

The days of filling cabinets bursting at the seems are almost gone, let’s move on the next evolution in law offices where outbound post is scarce and using the printer becomes a rare treat.

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