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How Advanced’s identity checking technology can allow your law firm to comply

On 12 March, the HM Land Registry of England and Wales (HMLR) unveiled a new digital identity standard. It offers conveyancers a ‘safe harbor’ if they choose to verify their client’s identity digitally and will not seek recourse against them. Overall, the practice guide advises on the use of smart technology to form an alternative standard for checking identity and will help conveyancers be given increased certainty on the identity of applicants.

Advanced having been investing in and developing digital identity checking technology over the last few years. Our partner, GB Group’s IDScan technology works seamlessly within our practice and case management solutions and legal portal product, to mitigate the risk of working for fraudulent individuals.

Our legal portal provides your clients the ability to securely upload their documents and perform an identity check. These results seamlessly synchronize into your PCMS for further action. Moreover, IDScan will perform an authenticity test, something that the naked eye cannot do. It allows you to assess if the document provided is real or fraudulent as well as matching the person providing to the image in the document. Depending on the results, you are able to add to an entity, create an entity or perform a conflict check. Therefore, our tools can consequently save your firm, time and resources during the onboarding process.

Taking it that next stage further as part of your due diligence using GB Groups ID3Global product you’ll be able to you’ll be able to perform a full AML check, including PEP’s and Sanctions, in order to make an informed decision on whether to proceed with the case or not. The tool checks the identities of more than 4.4 billion people worldwide through its wide range of libraries, coving all commonly used documents across the globe. This is a real benefit of using our digital tools as it can add an extra layer of reassurance for your law firm, that identities are being thoroughly authenticated.

Overall, this standard issued by HM Land Registry is positive news for forward-thinking conveyancers who want to harness the power of digital identity tools in a safe and risk-free environment.

If you are interested in learning more about our digital identification tools, please get in touch via our website.

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