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FileTrail offers e-book for law firms aiming to automate information governance

FileTrail produced the e-book to help legal professionals navigate the often-complex world of IG. Working closely with law firm clients on their IG initiatives, FileTrail has found that even those that successfully establish programs are often unable to follow through on implementation and ongoing compliance with their own IG policies as well as outside counsel guidelines, leaving many firms at risk of increased costs and losing clients.


The digital book provides an overview of information governance in law firms today, including a look at current trends and what’s driving the IG revolution in the legal market. Beyond the ever-increasing storage costs of both electronic and physical documents, firms are subjecting themselves to unnecessary risk both for holding on to documents longer than they should and for their inconsistent application of stated retention policies. The e-book discusses:

What is driving clients’ increasingly stringent IG expectations – and why audits are the new norm.Why meeting complex OCG requirements calls for specialized retention software. How to move away from a reactionary approach to retention toward a proactive workflow that automates the process, saves money and reduces risk.

The e-book is geared for C-level leaders as well as RIM professionals in law firms of all sizes. Available at no charge, the e-book is available for download here.

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The leader in information governance for highly regulated markets throughout North America, the UK and Europe.