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Advanced Legal is first to connect Billy Bot to barristers chambers

AI technology saves Clerksroom 200 hours per month, and now other chambers can benefit

Billy Bot is one step closer to upturning legal traditions by digitising the barristers chambers. The Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based junior clerk robot, a project spearheaded by Clerksroom, can now be connected to barristers chambers using MLC chambers management software via a bespoke API built by Advanced.

The link up means Billy Bot can assist clerks in many administrative processes by fully integrating its AI technology with Advanced’s MLC chambers management software to automate manual, low value tasks. With total access to diary data, Billy can query the MLC case management system for barrister availability, conflict check, create the case and booking in the MLC system and acknowledge the booking to the client by email.

Billy Bot is the brainchild of Stephen Ward, MD at Clerksroom, a national chambers which has been testing Billy Bot and MLC’s integration – and the results are phenomenal. Clerksroom typically accepts around 1,500 new bookings each month and a clerk would normally spend eight minutes and take 167 actions to arrange a case. Now, its clerks are saving on average 250,000 clicks and keystrokes respectively – equivalent to 200 hours per month.

“The traditional chamber management process is needlessly cumbersome, a clerk has to take the enquiry details, query the diary, carry out a conflict check, create the booking and send confirmation. They also need to allocate the case to the most suited barrister and agree the fee or budget with the solicitor.” Stephen Ward, MD at Clerksroom

“Over 50% of these actions can be automated. In addition, letting the client input the details via Billy means greater accuracy of the data. The technology integration gives Billy access to our MLC system, so he holds over 15 years’ worth of accurate data. We have also built a barrister preference engine, which learns the preferences of our 77 barristers, so Billy knows the variables including likely fees for specific areas of law, all courts in England and Wales, legal expertise and distance to travel from home or chambers to the court centre.”

The bespoke API developed by Advanced means barristers chambers across the UK can integrate MLC with a range of innovative technology solutions, such as Billy, to improve efficiencies in managing barristers’ diaries and make better use of clerks’ time. Automation of straightforward tasks where the facts are undisputed and well-established precedents exist, helps to free up time to focus on complex and contentious cases.

Doug Hargrove, Managing Director – Legal – Advanced, said: “AI can positively transform the day-to-day life in a barristers chambers. It can sift through vast volumes of information, automatically crunch the data and identify patterns and trends, significantly faster than humans and more accurately. What’s reassuring, in the case of the trial with Clerksroom, is that AI is viewed as a welcome solution that is capable of assisting with monotonous tasks, rather than a solution that brings scepticism and fear. Clerks and barristers are recognising the need for – and value in – technology and we’re excited to see who Billy Bot helps next.”

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.