

Aderant logo

Chris Cartrett at Aderant on three to watch in the next decade of delivery

It’s somewhat serendipitous that we’re now talking about the law firm of 2020. Looking back at recent years, it seems as though every industry has had its own version of a ‘2020 vision’ and, as technology leaders, we’re prone to constantly looking toward the future. At Aderant, we introduced the concept ‘Your Firm 2020’ about […]


Practice perfection

A practice management system (PMS) is designed to be a firm’s central hub – essential to the smooth, efficient running of the firm. However, if these systems are to retain this vital role, they’ll have to move with the times. What does that mean? Technology is not only getting slicker, faster and more accessible, it’s […]


Accesspoint Legal Technologies

Accesspoint Q&A: Uber SME

Victor van der Poel, director at Accesspoint Technologies, answers questions on keeping up with the tide of change and disruption in 2019, and what innovation should really mean for SME law firms. Q. How can we be more innovative? A. This is a question I frequently get asked and my short answer is: don’t make […]


Accesspoint Legal Technologies

Accesspoint Media Services Q&A: Search for success

Scott Brown, digital services manager at Accesspoint, answers questions about making your website more visible to clients. Q) How does Google work exactly? A) The web is continually evolving, with new content added daily. Every single second of the day, Google is crawling the web to organise all of this information to form and display its […]


Tikit: Brand strength

Your firm’s brand is essential. By ‘brand’ I don’t simply mean the colour of your logo, or the wording of your website, I mean the whole brand experience. This encompasses aspects such as initial perceptions, images, feelings of trust, attitudes staff demonstrate to their services, the overall experiences and so on. With more decisions than […]


Accesspoint Legal Technologies

Accesspoint Technologies Q&A: AI sight

Victor van der Poel, director at Accesspoint Technologies, breaks down some key details of artificial intelligence for SMEs What is so important about artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence (AI) is set to be the next major influencer in legal IT, bringing with it a differentiating factor for the competitive edge. Turn the clock back a few […]



Going Green – Eclipse’s Darren Gower discusses the benefits of firms going green

For law firms, direct environmental impacts may be small in comparison to companies in sectors such as extractives or energy, but increasingly stakeholders, clients and employees expect firms to minimise their impacts and report on their environmental performance – and firms may begin to lose out to competitors who do. There’s most certainly a business […]


Indicators of success – Katchr asks what are you BGIs?

“Standing still is the fastest way of moving backwards in a rapidly changing world,” said Lauren Bacall – not necessarily known as a business guru, but clearly a wise woman. In the world of performance management, there’s much talk of key performance indicators (KPIs) – but, in a recent meeting reviewing our own business performance, […]


Accesspoint Legal Technologies

Web wisdom – The importance of an intelligent website

Q We have a website, but how do we know if it’s performing well? A The best way to view your website is to treat it as an employee of your law firm – let’s call it ‘Steve’ for the purposes of this article. Steve’s working for you 24/7 and is in charge of introducing […]


Succession spiral: Ensuring a smooth leadership transition

After 37 years of service, Julian Wilson, Thompson Smith and Puxon (TSP) head of clinical negligence, recently retired from the practice and has been succeeded by long-term colleague and fellow director, Steve Webb. While this transition process was very smooth for TSP, it reminded me that this has not always been the case. Although this […]