Sherrington Associates and Epigram – Case Study Animation Video

Sherrington Associates is an executive search and leadership consultancy firm based in the UK. They specialise in recruiting senior executives, directors, and C-suite leaders across various sectors, including manufacturing, technology, professional services, and more. In addition to executive search, they offer leadership consulting services, which might include leadership assessment, development programs, and executive coaching. Their focus is on helping organisations find and develop the right leaders to drive their businesses forward.

After many years exploring different leadership assessment platforms, in 2020 Sherrington Associates committed to developing their own suite of assessment tools, specialising in assessing leaders for their potential to deliver sustainability in their organisations.


  • Impactful animation

The Challenge

The 4A Model of Sustainable Leadership informs everything Sherrington Associates does. Whether used to assess a shortlist of leaders or future leaders as part of a retained recruitment project, or being used as a framework for leadership development and executive coaching, The 4A Model is their template for good leadership in the 2020’s. The goal of this animation was to raise awareness of the A4 Model in the market, have impact and create a lasting impression. This project used a collection of impactful footage and bespoke animation to communicate the message to their core audiences.

The Solution

Following collaborative feedback of a detailed storyboard our designer liaised with the client to achieve sign off on the completed piece. A link to the full animation can be found here.

The Result

A highly informative and engaging video, delivering key insights into the A4 Model, that can be used by the client on different platforms.

Please get in touch to find out more about how we can work together to create awesome animated content.

Watch video here

Epigram specialises in bespoke design for law firms. Using our expertise and innovation, we elevate brands and strategies for success.