Minerva Q&A with Elisha Burgil, new business manager at Taylor & Emmet Solicitors

We spoke to Elisha Burgil about challenges faced when engaging and onboarding new clients.

What was the process like before implementing Minerva?Our approach to onboarding clients was a very long and tedious one. To be honest, the client was not our focus.

The majority of our communication was via email, creating a back and forth process. This meant there was a lot of emails being printed out – creating hefty files.

Of course, it is every service’s aim to create good relationships with their customer.

During Covid-19 and during lockdown the only change that occurred was that we sent far more emails rather than post.

We learnt that we had not cultivated a relationship with our clients from the start.

We had a reactive process not a proactive one. Our contact and re-engagement was based on us receiving forms back via email or post, or if the client called us in the main. Not the position we wanted to be in at all.

“We had the desire to offer a customer service that places the client front and centre and support them throughout the process, be it buying and selling a house or any other legal transactions we do.”

So how have things changed since implementing Minerva, and what’s that done for you, and your business?

“For us here at Taylor & Emmet, we feel like we have really stepped up our customer service game and we are well and truly in the 21st century!”

Minerva gives us full transparency. It allows us to use the portal as a client relationship tool.

We now have engagement with the client right from the start offering a tailored quote; we are aware of their genuine needs from the very beginning of our relationship.

Once we’ve provided the quote, which can be agreed in minutes, all the forms are there immediately for the client; we’re not having to complete loads of admin and it reduces our costs too.

How have you found the response from your clients when they are required to carry out the electronic ID check?

We have in fact only had two clients who have not been able to carry out the electronic ID check and we have certainly not found age to be a barrier to entry.

The majority of clients that I deal with, will say, especially if they’ve been through a transaction before, that Minerva has meant that it’s so much more convenient for them.

How have you found Minerva to help you internally?

Historically our contract pack process was a very laborious task, time consuming and tedious.

Minerva allows for us to give great customer service to a client and giving them a quote, at the same time; they can even receive the quote whilst we are chatting! Then, we just send in the forms at the touch of a button.

Minerva has really changed things for us; and it’s made it more of an enjoyable task within our working day.

Minerva - bringing together everything law firms need to remotely onboard their clients, all in a single digital solution.