Interview with Johnny Jones – Implementation Lead at Enable

As co-sponsors of this month’s Document Excellence Day, which featured a terrific line-up of speakers on how to make your legal documents better, and with the interesting panel discussion on how to overcome resistance to technology changes; we speak to Johnny Jones – Implementation Lead at Enable –  to find out a little more on his unique client insight and his views on the future of technology within the legal sector.

Interview with Johnny Jones – Implementation Lead 

1. What are your thoughts on the future of Technology, Automation and AI within the legal sector?

One of the things I’m most excited about in terms of technology is seeing law firms make the jump to fully use Microsoft Office 365 with Word Online. Word Online has developed a lot in the last few years and it’s exciting to see what applications get developed in that realm, and how software vendors adapt their products to work in this ever-evolving environment.

2. How long have you been working at Enable Business Solutions and what is your role?

I’ve been working with Enable since 2012, when I was still studying at university. My role has changed over my time here, initially working on setting up POC (Proof of Concept) environments to demonstrate to our prospective clients, then working on our client implementations. I now oversee all of our implementations and manage a team of consultants.

3. What would you say are some of the most beneficial features to PitchPerfect?

Having the ability to save a group of records as a cart and then sharing them with other users in the firm.

Our Self-Service ContentManager adds a lot of benefit to PitchPerfect, as it allows anybody to contribute to editing and adding new content that’s in the system. Firms can implement an optional approval process for this, so that additions and amends aren’t made until a content approver allows or rejects the change.

4. What are some of the core problems you find PitchPerfect has helped solve for the clients you have worked with?

Significantly reducing the amount of time it takes to produce a draft document would have to be the most common problem PitchPerfect has solved. A lot of firms still create their new proposals from an existing one that was created a month prior…of course nobody would advise at that being best practice. With PitchPerfect you can create your high-quality look and feel with all of your latest content in a short timeframe, allowing you to spend more time on adding all of the bespoke elements that will win you the business.

5. How easy do your clients find it to use PitchPerfect after implementation and what do they like most about the user functionality?

I think the beauty of PitchPerfect is that it’s not trying to overcomplicate the proposal generation process by creating a completely different piece of software or user interface, which the users have to go to or learn. To work with PitchPerfect, all you need to know is how to use Microsoft Office and you will immediately be at home with the software.

6. What do you value most about Enable’s business culture and vision? 

There are a lot of aspects I value about Enable. I think one of them has to be the amount of faith Enable puts in young people, more specifically the opportunities that the business provide to young people that they wouldn’t be able to experience elsewhere.

In terms of vision, Enable also has set high goals and I’ve seen those goals achieved. When I started at Enable we had 3 PitchPerfect clients, now we’re at around 25 which is fantastic and it’s been a great journey so far.

7. What, in your opinion, sets Enable apart from any of your competitors?

I believe that we have a much better understanding of the legal sector in comparison to some of our competitors. This experience allows us to build the most intuitive and user-friendly tool in an environment that the users are familiar working in, Microsoft Office!

8.  What is the most satisfying thing about your job?

I think the most satisfying aspect of my job is talking to our clients or prospective clients, hearing the pain points that they’re running into, and then coming back to them with a solution that makes their life so much easier.

Fun questions 

1. What makes you excited about Mondays?

It’s a new week!

2. What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

Playing football, watching football, reading about football … I like football!

My girlfriend and I love sitting down and binge watching Netflix after a day at work.

I enjoy taking my dog, Milo, for walks in the fields.

3. What is your favourite sport to watch and who is your favourite team?

My favourite sport is football, I’ve followed Manchester United since I was a kid but I’m now a big fan of my local team, Oxford United, I attend as many home games I can get too.

I’m also a fan of watching golf and more recently cricket, after our World Cup heroics and going to my first T20 game with my university friends.

4. What is your favourite holiday destination?

Anywhere in Spain! We have a big family holiday once a year in either Spain or Majorca.

I’ve visited some of our clients in Australia and I loved it, so I hope to eventually go back there on holiday to see more.

It all starts with a chat

If you would like further information on PitchPerfect you can download our brochure here, alternatively contact us on 020 3743 9626 or make an online enquiry here.

Enable provide industry leading automated pitch production software and time recording policy software to law firms across the world.