Grant Sanders and Bob Bastian, partner and CEO at Stephen Rimmer Solicitors say Katchr really is the best in breed – a 10 year case study

From fee earner to departmental and firm-wide level, Katchr management information solutions have helped over 100 UK law firms surface and refine their data into more granular, accessible and actionable information.

Stephen Rimmer Solicitors’ CEO, Bob Bastian, and Partner Grant Sanders have shared how Katchr has helped maximise the visibility and timeliness of their P&L in their 10 years of working with Katchr. Watch the full story here.

Case Study Highlights:

“We’ve reviewed a lot of different MI reporting tools and we’ve found that Katchr really is the best in breed. It’s well supported by a good team. If you give them a field, they will be able to pull that data from that field within the case management system and report on it. The dashboards are very user friendly, easy to manage from a fee earner level right up to partner level.”

“It’s really working well. In the past it used to be a very time-consuming thing for our accounts managers to work out each of the apportionments, but now it’s an automatic job, so it saves a lot of time.”

“The profit and loss dashboards are fantastic. It’s a real-time look at where we are. It can be granular into fee earner. It can be department level or it can be whole of firm. We use Katchr across the business, so all fee earners have access to their personal dashboard.”

“Stephen Rimmer has had steady growth over the last ten years and part of that is being able to budget accurately from the beginning. We use Katchr to work backwards on how well we’ve done in the past, look at expenses, where each of the fee earners bring in and how much they bring in and we use that to forecast for the future. So, it’s been really useful and it’s far quicker to use Katchr for budgeting than anything else.” 

Discover how top law firms, like Stephen Rimmer, are using data to improve performance and grow their business, download Katchr’s free guide here.

Law firm dashboards and analytics transforming your data into an invaluable decision-making tool.