Brethertons LLP – a Katchr & Peppermint joint case study

Tony Woodhouse, Partner & Head of Information Technology at Brethertons LLP discusses his experience of working with Katchr and Peppermint.

In Tony’s words:

“One of the wonderful things about Katchr is everything is so instantaneous, because it does a lot of the hard work in the background, building up warehouse data, whenever a user runs a report or looks at a dashboard, everything appears instantaneously. This is particularly good for team leaders.”


“Katchr certainly helped making the lawyers self-sufficient in gathering the management information they need to manage their portfolio of matters. It’s very easy for our individual lawyers to log in to Katchr and see the information which relates just to them as an individual.”

“I think one other area Katchr really shines – they’ve recently introduced some new pricing dashboards which give you the ability to analyse your previous set of matters. You can dig down by work type or type of matter, different teams, departments, different lawyers, and get an understanding of where you priced matters previously, actually what the costs ended up in the end, the profitability of those matters.”

“We haven’t got programmers who can spend two years implemented the business rules, charts and dashboards and everything else. You guys have done that already. You’ve done it for every other customer you’ve worked for.”

“Katchr and Peppermint are both cloud web provided solutions for Brethertons, so all people had access to those platforms from wherever they were in the world, and whatever client platform they were using. We’ve secured that down with multifactor authentication based around Azure Active Directory, which means we’re confident in the security of access to the platforms, but there’s no, nothing hindering access to those platforms.”

“It wasn’t long ago that we renewed our Katchr contract on a new multiyear deal, and that was because we had absolute confidence it was delivering value for money.”

“I think if someone asked me would I recommend Katchr, one of the big things that makes me want to recommend Katchr is the fact that Katchr are real specialists in this field. The only thing they do is helping law firms get really good management information and business intelligence out of the underlying data sets that those law firms own. They’ve got a long number of years of experience. They’ve got a lot of really great staff who’ve been working in this field for a long time, and you can’t put a price on that kind of expertise. We often go to Katchr, not just to help us achieve a particular end result we want, but also to ask for advice on, here’s a broader business problem. How can we use MI to help us solve this broader business problem? How are other law firms using MI to help solve similar business problems? Katchr’s experience in the field is second to none.”

Discover how top law firms, like Brethertons, are using data to improve performance and grow their business, download Katchr’s free guide:

Law firm dashboards and analytics transforming your data into an invaluable decision-making tool.