Actionstep: 10 benefits of virtual ways of work for law firms

The rise of more and more virtual organisational models for law firms has kicked off a disruption of the traditional fundamentals of the legal sector.

Driven by the need to be closer to clients, reduce overhead and retain talent, firmsare seeing huge benefits in adopting virtual ways of working and, in many cases, starting out with a completely virtual model.

As a cloud-based business management system for law firms, with workflow, automation and custom reporting at its core, Actionstep gives firms an unmatched level of process consistency and transparency across all work being done – ideal for supporting virtual firms and virtual ways of working.

We love seeing how our customers take our technology and use it in the creationof new and interesting business models tobetter serve their clients. We’ve identified 10 Key Benefits of Virtual Ways of Workingfor firms of all kinds. Although, we are sure there are many more than 10!

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