15 reasons why law firms should evaluate evergreen + empower – find out more with sa.global
Q: In addition to these features, do you think on-premise users are ready to move to the cloud?
A: 100%. Law firms were very hesitant regarding the cloud but about five years ago, they started embracing it. Billing and PMS is one of the last frontiers in legal to move to the cloud. I think law firms are tired of spending so much time and energy on upgrading the PMS systems. The cloud helps solve that problem.
Q: Other legal systems are on Azure as well – is there a difference?
A: There is a big difference between what they are doing with Azure. We like to say that evergreen + empower are “true cloud” solutions because our applications were born in the cloud. Our cloud is a private cloud which gives law firms so much more ability. They can control access to their own data, data residency, scalability, customization, and it gives them access to the 200+ Azure services like artificial intelligence. If you are a non-techie, this might help you envision the difference. Think of owning and operating your iPhone, that is our cloud. You go to the App store, download the cool stuff that you want to use, update when you want to update, or maybe just set the iPhone to update automatically. Now with the other legal cloud solutions, it would be having to call Apple every time you wanted a cool app or upgrade.
Q: One of the most exciting aspects of the new Power Platform technology are the Virtual Assistants. How is this relevant to law firms?
A: In my opinion, the coolest thing we are doing is the work on the Legal Assistant – it is basically an automated assistant that comes with our evergreen + empower platform. It is an exciting piece of functionality because finance teams tend to run thin on staff. The Legal Assistant is right out of science fiction. The attorneys just chat with the assistant and it can complete tasks like getting copies of invoice matter information or even log time. It saves both, the attorney and finance team, so much time. I’d like to say that the assistant moves evergreen + empower from being just a finance system to being an extra member of the finance team.
Q: Finance managers also remark on our out-of-the-box ease of use functionality like setting up multi-currency.
A: Yes, this is just one of the out-of-the-box features evergreen and empower brings to the table for finance teams, which makes the set up and configuration of the implementation a much smoother and shorter process.
Q: sa.global talks about “meeting users where they are”. What more can you say about this?
A: Yes, what we mean is that every law firm is in a different place in their lifecycles. Some people are looking to replace their finance system and others might just want to replace a component. For example, let us say a firm is running Aderant Expert or Thomson Reuters 3E and they have no interest in replacing it. That firm could take advantage of the empower Power BI dashboards or other empower offerings. You can choose to start small and grow with any of our solutions.
Q: How do we compare regarding configuration?
A: The great part about evergreen + empower is that it is 100% configurable and customizable. Wherever the client wants to take the solution, it is completely capable of going there.
Q: Vinnie, I have heard you say this is the only solution law firms will ever need – why?
A: We chose the name evergreen because our solution is always growing, evolving, and always up to date. The Microsoft cloud powers that evolution. You know that Microsoft, the world’s leading enterprise software company, is not going anywhere. You can be sure that your investment in their cloud products will last your firm a lifetime and sa.global will make sure that it is always up to date.
Q: sa.global products help a law firm be a better firm rather than just a better business. What more can you say about this?
A: I think law firms over the last five years have started to re-imagine what the modern law firm looks like. Law firms started to focus more on the execution of legal matters in a very efficient way. That mindset has started to trickle throughout the law firm. Efficiency can make a huge difference in profitability. Firms are investing in technology so they can lower their cost on work products and ease the burden on their staff. The sa.global products are all about helping firms with this journey. In fact, that is why we named the suite “empower”.