The ethics of graphic design according to Epigram

Designers have a special knack for influencing how people see things, so it’s important to think about the ethical side of our work. With creative freedom comes great responsibility!

We found an interesting article which we will link below, which dives into the ethics of graphic design and discusses how designers can juggle being creative while staying responsible.

Here at Epigram, one of our values is ‘Integrity at our core’. Integrity is fundamental to our business, guiding every interaction and decision.

The points below are discussed in the article. Here is how we approach these topics here at Epigram:

Honesty and Authenticity: Honesty is the cornerstone of our interactions, guiding each decision and action. By thoroughly understanding our clients and the purpose behind each design project, we can approach every brief with genuine authenticity and create work that truly reflects their brand and resonates with their audience.

Respect for Diversity: Diversity is our strength; we embrace varied backgrounds, experiences and ideas, recognising the richness they bring to our work. Designers need to be mindful of equal representation when using images or creating icons – we have created a guide on this topic, that explores some of the options when exploring this, that can be found here.

Sustainability: Here at Epigram, we know our actions have an impact on the planet, so we’re constantly working to shrink our eco-footprint. Whether it’s being picky about where we get our materials, keeping our energy use in check, or finding ways to cut down on waste, sustainability is always on our minds. We have taken part in carbon offsetting, as well as working with climate-responsible print suppliers.

Social Responsibility: Graphic designers can make a positive impact in their communities. One example of this might mean creating designs for social causes. Here at Epigram we actively seek opportunities to help clients in their pro bono work, support charity and have worked on pro bono design projects for local schools. We have also worked with Universities to deliver free full day sessions with their students on topics such as careers advice, creativity and design.

Intellectual Property: They say imitation is the best form of flattery, but there is a line that we, as designers, must not cross. Being mindful and respectful of other people’s intellectual property rights is something that we take seriously. We also need to ensure that any images we use are properly licensed and accredited.

Privacy and Security: Cyber security is like the digital version of locking your doors and windows before you go to bed. For businesses operating online, it’s crucial to have strong cyber security measures in place and this is something we take seriously at Epigram. It’s not just about preventing threats, but also about keeping the wheels of our digital business turning smoothly without any unexpected hiccups.

Full article can be found in this link and if you would like to chat about the way we work or how we would apply ethical approaches to your creative needs, please get in touch!

Epigram specialises in bespoke design for law firms. Using our expertise and innovation, we elevate brands and strategies for success.