SME law firms: Using technology to achieve ESG and sustainability goals – find out more with LEAP

As environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues become a priority for businesses the world over, this informative white paper uncovers how improved ESG and sustainability performance can benefit small to mid-sized law firms improving financial performance, reputation and branding, simplifying recruitment and retention of top talent, reducing risk of regulatory non-compliance and exposure to fraud.

For today’s law firm there are several factors to consider outside the day-to-day running of a practice, including environmental factors such as power and resource usage, carbon emissions; issues around data security; diversity, equity and inclusion; employee recruitment and engagement; business ethics, professional integrity and governance.

Download this white paper to discover how with the right technology you can reduce the negative environmental and social impacts of running a practice as well as facilitate good governance and high standards of business ethics whilst improving law firm performance.

LEAP is a cloud legal software solution for small law firms wishing to become more efficient, more flexible and make more money!