
How important is it for technology to be adaptable? Find out more with SOS Legal

How important is it for technology to be adaptable? As a leading provider of  practice management software to enterprise law firms, we understand the paramount importance of malleable solutions. The level of adaptability in software often sparks debates, especially when it comes to meeting the ever-changing needs of large enterprise firms. The question arises: How flexible should software be to accommodate new trends and sudden business changes effectively?

The Balance Between Flexibility and Firm Needs: While software should undoubtedly be flexible enough for firms to operate smoothly, we must delve deeper into understanding the unique needs of each organization. Meeting challenges requires more than just adaptable software; it involves striking the right balance between customisation and adhering to specific processes, compliance, and resources available to the firm. This balance is particularly crucial to ensure compliance with regulations, a standard that applies to every law firm, regardless of size.


Adapting to the Evolving Landscape: In a dynamic market that constantly undergoes changes, legal technology providers must assume greater responsibility by adapting their software to meet emerging trends. At SOS, we actively engage with the market to comprehend the evolving landscape, implementing necessary changes to our software when required. It is crucial to avoid excessive adaption that may lead to software becoming overly customised and, consequently, less usable for the firm’s purposes.

Considering Provider Malleability: In addition to evaluating the malleability of software, firms should also consider the flexibility of their technology providers. SOS recognises the significance of this aspect and has recently launched “Community Learning” to enable firms to leverage their software more effectively while staying informed about new features and functionalities. Our evolving approach to service and support ensures that firms can achieve optimal efficiencies from their software.

Empowering Firms with Adaptable Solutions: For long-term success, legal technology providers must build a high level of customisation into their software, enabling firms to adapt to their specific processes effectively. Simultaneously, firms should select providers they can trust to swiftly adapt and lock down critical areas of the software when required.

In the world of legal technology, adaptability to change plays a vital role in empowering large enterprise firms. Striking the right balance between customization and adherence to standards ensures compliance while meeting the challenges of an ever-changing landscape. At SOS, we are committed to providing customisable solutions through our fully customisable legal technology software, SOS Connect. For firms seeking to optimise their software utilisation, we invite you to talk to one of our team members and request a free demo. Experience the transformative potential of SOS Connect’s legal technology for your enterprise.

SOS Legal are leading providers of legal software solutions, remaining at the forefront of legal technology innovation for over 35 years.