Katchr’s ten part guide to enhancing your reporting practices in 2024

Your law firm’s practice management system gathers significant amounts of data. Yet manually surfacing, compiling and analysing this data still takes a painfully long time; resulting in reporting delays and potential manual errors.

10 Reasons Why your PMS Reporting Needs an Upgrade in 2024

This year, our MD and Founder Graham Moore will be sharing his learnings and observations from over 30 years of helping law firms solve their business problems using technology. With a particular focus on driving performance through enhanced reporting strategies, Graham will be exploring the ways in which you too can improve reporting efficiency and extract more value from the data hidden in your practice management systems.

In this ten-part email series we will take a deep dive into the common reporting challenges faced by a growing number of UK law firms and share our recommended best practices which you can be adopting for better business outcomes firm wide.

This month we will be exploring Reason 1 – You are frustrated by a lack of up to date reporting. Click here to discover the first video guide of the series.

What is Katchr?

The Katchr team are the UK’s legal analytics experts. We speak your language. We understand your business better than anyone else. We have helped over 100 law firms continually gain value from their data. When you have great information, you make better decisions. We look forward to helping you achieve your goals quicker and more efficiently.

Law firm dashboards and analytics transforming your data into an invaluable decision-making tool.