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Protecting client data through the Cloud with Advanced

Protecting client data is essential to all firms big and small. Traditional methods of storing data onsite, such as servers, pose significant risks of data breaches and a lack of offsite backups. These risks can put your client data in danger. However, there is hope – Cloud computing has revolutionised the way data is stored, making it more secure and accessible than ever before. Explore how firms of all sizes can protect their client data through the Cloud, and the benefits associated with it.

Small law firms in particular can often rely on traditional methods of storing data onsite, such as servers. These methods present certain risks that can potentially compromise client information. For starters, servers are not always prepared for data breaches or updates, putting sensitive information at the risk of compromise.

Additionally, servers lack the necessary capacity for offsite backups, which leaves client data vulnerable if a data breach occurs. These limitations have made it necessary for firms to adopt more secure and effective means of protecting client data.

The Cloud offers firms a much more secure and effective method of storing client data. The Cloud provides robust external security measures that are designed to prevent data breaches and protect sensitive information.

Cloud providers also provide advanced data recovery plans that mitigate the risk of data loss, ensuring that client data is always protected. By using the Cloud, small law firms can secure their client data and comply with the latest data privacy regulations, ensuring that their clients’ personal information is always protected.

Availability and accessibility

One of the most significant benefits of using the Cloud is its availability. Since data is stored in the Cloud, it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making it much easier for small law firms to keep track of client data. When required, easing accessibility ensures it is more convenient and secure, even when accessing data from the comfort of one’s own home. Consequently, the Cloud ensures prompt and secure communication between legal teams and the clients.

Cost-effective and scalable

Cloud computing offers a more cost-effective means of storing client data as opposed to traditional server methods. It costs less for firms to store data in the Cloud, freeing up funds for other matters. What’s more, Cloud computing is highly scalable, meaning small law firms can upsize and downsize their storage requirements as needed. This ensures they can efficiently manage client data, where they don’t have to worry about running out of storage space or potentially having a data breach given that it has been loaded on the local server.

By adopting Cloud computing and the benefits it offers, law firms can store client data securely, be cost-effective, and scale to storage requirements. At the heart of all small law firms’ work is the responsibility of securing clients’ information and meeting client needs, and the Cloud has made it easier to fulfil these requirements complementing the traditional standards of the legal industry.

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OneAdvanced provides integrated legal software solutions to more than 5,000 law firms and barristers’ chambers.