
See how you can use your CRM to reduce your firm’s risk of forgetting about work introducers with Promptr CRM

CRMs aren’t just about getting more BD opportunities… they reduce your firm’s risk

Yes, CRMs help you give an outstanding client experience Simon.

They do that by showing your lawyers relevant information to act on.

Note showing them. Not making them hunt for it.

Please don’t tell me your CRM makes your lawyers hunt for information. Because they won’t – as you’ll know if you have one.

CRMs should spoon-feed.

CRMs should hand-hold

Tech should NOT make life harder.

They should show you opportunities that you may have missed, and risks you may not have spotted.

Risks that your firm can then monitor, manage and turn to your advantage.

For example….

Imagine you have a network of work referrers that point new work your way.

Most likely, they generate the most work for you.

Do you know if your teams are in regular correspondence with them? Making sure your firm is at the front of their minds?

How would you know if your team were doing this?

Presumption?      Trust?      Hope?

In theory, as long as your CRM captures if your lawyers are taking people out for a coffee, or corresponding via email, you should be able to see who is being contacted; too much, about right, not enough, or completely forgotten about.

Readers with little kids will realise the original story only had three bears…

Back to you and your firm.

As your firm’s BD or leadership team, you’ll know you need to know what is going on.

Or what isn’t going on.

Which then enables you to remind / prompt / nudge / poke your teams about keeping in regular contact.

All this is dead easy for you when you have a pre-set inbox prompt that tells you just this – a bit harder when you have to search your CRM and notify teams manually.

Which is why Promptr has that inbox prompt, of course.

An all-in-one package of: Outlook CRM software + alerts + support + processes + data updating